Sunday, November 7, 2010

Boycott Plastic! - Don't Buy, or Use Plastic! (includes 5 videos)

Plastic wrap on top of a vessel.Image via WikipediaMany of you know that I formerly made my living as a financial man, mostly in the forest and mining industries, an author and university lecturer. But, I've had a change of heart, a 180° degree reversal, if you will. Especially as I have grown older I have become increasingly concerned about the legacy we are passing on to our children and grandchildren.

For a number of years I have been more concerned with Conservation, Ecology, the Environment and Global Warming. In 2003 I set up Immaculate Earth© Green World Club©, An Internet Club concerned with Conservation, Ecology, the Environment and Global Warming. It has been going through many a lot of research, edits and has been completely reorganized with a new name and URL. It has, we think an important message – Stan Webb:

Prologue and Mission:

We promote clean-ups and long-term reductions in pollution; and programs assisting life affirming and sustainable development.

Statement of Fact:

We [humankind] are poisoning our planet for ourselves; and all other species of life. We are poisoning the air we breathe, the food and water we ingest, the very land we walk upon, and the oceans from which humanity hopes to produce food in future. For instance, already the U.N. is advising humans all over the world not to eat shark of any kind or type, and no more than 4 ounces of Tuna per week if you are an adult; none if you are a child? . Mercury! Do you remember that 25 years ago we all had a dream . . . of living in a paperless computer world . . . we now consume more paper, in every office, than we ever did?
We have a very important job for you to do. Find all sources of plastics and discontinue it's use. It never breaks down into organic compounds and will, eventually, find it's way into the oceans. After you do your own research, we hope that you will follow along with the 1st of some actions of the we will ask you to take.

Perhaps the most inspirational message comes in the last 2 videos; those of our young people and children and grandchildren who will have to live with our garbage, forever.

Polluting the world's oceans, one of our major food sources, is one tragedy that makes me ashamed of what I am passing on for my grandchildren. It should make us all ashamed. It will be a shame because plastic only breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces and never goes away completely. The water species mistake broken down, smaller plastics for food, eat those, which then continue on up the food chain to the top, into humankind's food. Of course, there is also the problem about the untold species, often unwanted species, killed in discarded and/or drift plastic nets.

It will not only kill off a lot of potential food sources which will die from hunger when the birds and fishes bellies are full of undigested plastic; but, there are known carcinogens (cancer-causing) and other as yet unknown side effects that will be passed right back up to our grandchildren.

TEDx has posted a series of videos about the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, also on YouTube:

MIDWAY JOURNEY - Plastic Beach -

Plastic Gets There First -

Our Today Is Forever -

J.D. Russo speaks out about plastic -

Ocean of Plastic -

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Whether you like this and agree with me, or not, thank you for your comments. I normally do not purge an individual comment, unless it is obscene or obvious spam. If you have a question, do feel free to e-mail me at this address – Stan W.